Methods Collection Content

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    Teacher Toolkit - Methods Collection

    • Welcome!

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    Assessment Methods

    • Self-Assessment of Competences and Skills

    • Assessment of creativity and critical thinking/beginners

    • Assessment of creativity and critical thinking/learners

    • Learning Portfolio - AfL

    • Peer-to-peer Review

    • Peer Review Game Stars and Wishes

    • Self-reflection of the Learning Process

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    Learning Methods

    • Team-building

    • Inspire

    • Inquiry-Based Learning

    • Open-ended questions

    • Discussion

    • Group work/Collaborative learning

    • Presentation

    • Searching the Internet

    • Research

    • Learning outside the classroom

    • Excursions and site visits

    • Interview

    • ThingLink

    • Peer Teaching

    • Design Thinking

    • extra: documentation in Reggio Emilia pedagogy